#!/moira/bin/perl -Tw # $Id$ # The following exit codes are defined and MUST BE CONSISTENT with the # error codes the library uses: $MR_DBMS_ERR = 47836421; $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin"; $outdir = '/moira/dcm/confluence'; umask 022; use DBI; $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:moira", "moira", "moira") || exit $MR_DBMS_ERR; $sth0 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT l.list_id, m.name " . "FROM list l, machine m, serverhosts sh " . "WHERE sh.value3 = l.name AND sh.service = 'CONFLUENCE' " . "AND m.mach_id = sh.mach_id") || exit $MR_DBMS_ERR; $sth0->execute; while (($root_list_id, $hostname) = $sth0->fetchrow_array) { open(OUT, ">$outdir/$hostname"); $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT l.name FROM list l, imembers i " . "WHERE i.list_id = " . $dbh->quote($root_list_id) . "AND i.member_type = 'LIST' " . "AND i.member_id = l.list_id " . "ORDER BY l.name") || exit $MR_DBMS_ERR; $sth->execute; while (($name) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT UNIQUE i.member_type, i.member_id " . "FROM imembers i, list l " . "WHERE l.name = " . $dbh->quote($name) . "AND i.list_id = l.list_id " . "AND (i.member_type = 'USER' " . "OR i.member_type = 'STRING')") || exit $MR_DBMS_ERR; $sth2->execute; $row = "$name:"; $row =~ s/\0//g; print OUT $row; $maybecomma = ""; while (($type, $id) = $sth2->fetchrow_array) { if ($type eq "USER") { ($member) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT login FROM users " . "WHERE users_id = " . $dbh->quote($id)) || exit $MR_DBMS_ERR; $member = $member . "\@mit.edu"; } elsif ($type eq "STRING") { ($member) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT string " . "FROM strings " . "WHERE string_id = " . $dbh->quote($id)) || exit $MR_DBMS_ERR; } $row = "$maybecomma$member"; $row =~ s/\0//g; print OUT $row; $maybecomma = ","; } $row = "\n"; $row =~ s/\0//g; print OUT $row; } close(OUT); } $dbh->disconnect; exit 0;