modify users to cbtree unique on users_id;\g create index i_usr_login on users (login);\g modify i_usr_login to btree;\g create index i_usr_name on users (first, last);\g modify i_usr_name to cbtree on first, last;\g create index i_usr_last on users (last, first);\g modify i_usr_last to cbtree on last, first;\g create index i_usr_uid on users (uid);\g modify i_usr_uid to btree;\g create index i_usr_pop on users (pop_id);\g ;\g modify krbmap to btree unique on users_id;\g create index i_krb_str on krbmap (string_id);\g modify i_krb_str to btree;\g ;\g modify machine to cbtree unique on mach_id;\g create index i_mac_name on machine (name);\g modify i_mac_name to btree;\g ;\g modify hostalias to cbtree unique on name;\g create index i_hal_id on hostalias (mach_id);\g modify i_hal_id to btree;\g ;\g modify subnet to btree unique on snet_id;\g create index i_snt_name on subnet (name);\g ;\g modify cluster to cbtree unique on clu_id;\g create index i_clu_name on cluster (name);\g modify i_clu_name to btree;\g ;\g modify mcmap to cbtree on clu_id;\g create index i_mcm_mach on mcmap (mach_id);\g modify i_mcm_mach to cbtree;\g ;\g modify svc to cbtree on clu_id;\g ;\g modify servers to btree on name;\g ;\g modify serverhosts to btree on service;\g create index i_sho_mach on serverhosts (mach_id);\g modify i_sho_mach to cbtree;\g ;\g modify list to cbtree unique on list_id;\g create index i_lis_name on list (name);\g modify i_lis_name to cbtree;\g create index i_lis_mail on list (maillist);\g create index i_lis_group on list (grouplist);\g create index i_lis_gid on list (gid);\g modify i_lis_gid to btree;\g ;\g modify imembers to cbtree on member_id, member_type;\g create index i_imem_list on imembers (list_id);\g modify i_imem_list to hash;\g ;\g modify strings to cbtree unique on string_id;\g create index i_str_name on strings (string);\g modify i_str_name to hash;\g ;\g modify nfsphys to cbtree unique on nfsphys_id;\g create index i_nfs_mach on nfsphys (mach_id);\g modify i_nfs_mach to btree;\g ;\g modify filesys to cbtree unique on filsys_id;\g create index i_fil_name on filesys (label);\g modify i_fil_name to cbtree;\g create index i_fil_mach on filesys (mach_id);\g modify i_fil_mach to btree;\g create index i_fil_phys on filesys (phys_id);\g modify i_fil_phys to cbtree;\g create index i_fil_grp on filesys (owners);\g modify i_fil_grp to btree;\g create index i_fil_user on filesys (owner);\g modify i_fil_user to btree;\g ;\g modify fsgroup to cbtree on group_id;\g create index i_fsg_filsys on fsgroup (filsys_id);\g modify i_fsg_filsys to btree;\g ;\g modify quota to cbtree on entity_id;\g create index i_qot_fil on quota (filsys_id);\g modify i_qot_fil to cbtree;\g create index i_qot_phys on quota (phys_id);\g modify i_qot_phys to cbtree;\g ;\g modify zephyr to cbtree unique on class;\g ;\g modify hostaccess to cbtree unique on mach_id;\g ;\g modify printcap to cbtree on name;\g create index i_pcp_mach on printcap (mach_id);\g modify i_pcp_mach to btree;\g ;\g modify palladium to cbtree on name;\g ;\g modify capacls to cbtree on tag;\g