Bond, James D 007-00-7007 Claus, Santa N 012-25-1988 Reagan, Ronald W 842-48-4832 Fonebone, Andrew T 617-25-3130 Bestertester, Fester G 482-67-4583 Tishan, Mat E 314-15-9265 Rodriguez, Jose' J 564-43-4427 Doe, John Q 123-45-6789 Sample, Mr 000-00-0000 Normal, Edgar J 637-00-1212 Raker, Watch B 253-67-4261 Backwards, Count I 987-65-4321 Base, Natural L 271-82-8183 Technology, Mass I 021-39-0770 Two, Power F 512-64-1024 Lee, Susan C 888-00-0001 Lee, Susan C 888-00-0002 Lee, Susan C 888-00-0003 Lee, Susan C 888-00-0004 Password, Forgot M 253-00-1325 Bright, Miss L 000-18-6000 It, Whattime S 637-99-1212 Source, Master V 018-71-0012 Source, Master R 018-71-0037 Can, Trash T 839-99-1100 Airlines, Eastern 262-00-3700 Toolkit, The X 110-11-0110 Engineer, Release C 987-65-4321 Mctrouble, Have U 000-00-0000 Dover, Ilean D 123-98-4756 Phatt, Cuttov T 888-77-6666 Telephone, New E 873-00-1000 Information, Long D 005-55-1212 Fonumber, Forgot M 411-41-1411 Kong, King 999-99-9999 Zzzzz, Zzzzzz Z 999-99-9999 Salad, Potato R 443-22-3412 Us, Toys R 111-22-3333 Last, First Middle 872-23-1231