/* $Id$ * * Load data into Moira from Registrar's Office data file * * Copyright (C) 1990-1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include EXEC SQL INCLUDE sqlca; extern void sqlglm(char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *); RCSID("$Header$"); #define WHO 11859 /* root */ #define PROG "stu-tape" #define MAX_ID_VALUE 31999 #define MIN_ID_VALUE 101 /* File format is: 0-29 name 30-38 id number 50-54 school code 55-79 year 80-109 address 110-124 room 125-144 city 145-158 state 159-168 dorm phone 169-212 home address 213-232 home city 243-251 mit phone (?) */ #define LOC_NAME 0 #define LOC_ID 30 #define LOC_COURSE 50 #define LOC_YEAR 55 #define LOC_ADDRESS 80 #define LOC_DORM_ROOM 110 #define LOC_CITY 125 #define LOC_STATE 145 #define LOC_DPHONE 155 #define LOC_MPHONE 243 #define LEN_NAME 30 #define LEN_ID 9 #define LEN_COURSE 5 #define LEN_YEAR 25 #define LEN_ADDRESS 30 #define LEN_DORM_ROOM 15 #define LEN_CITY 20 #define LEN_STATE 10 #define LEN_DPHONE 12 #define LEN_MPHONE 12 struct entry { char *name; char *last; char *first; char *middle; char *title; char *id; char *eid; char *course; char *year; char *address; char *dorm; char *city; char *state; char *dphone; char *mphone; char *class; }; char *whoami; int newfinger = 0; struct entry *get_next_entry(FILE *in); void process_entry(struct entry *e); void newuser(struct entry *e); int set_next_users_id(int limit); int set_next_uid(int limit); void sqlexit(void); void dbmserr(char *where, int what); #define SQL_DUPLICATE -2112 #define sqlfail() (sqlca.sqlcode && sqlca.sqlcode != 1403) int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *in; struct entry *e; int i, wait = 0; char buf[80], *file = NULL; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char *db = "moira"; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; whoami = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (whoami) whoami++; else whoami = argv[0]; setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-w")) wait++; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-n")) newfinger++; else if (file) fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-w] [-D] [-n] inputfile\n", whoami); else file = argv[i]; } in = fopen(file, "r"); if (!in) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s for input\n", file); exit(1); } initialize_sms_error_table(); EXEC SQL CONNECT :db IDENTIFIED BY :db; if (sqlca.sqlcode) { dbmserr("connecting", sqlca.sqlcode); exit(1); } while ((e = get_next_entry(in))) { process_entry(e); EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK; if (sqlca.sqlcode) { dbmserr("committing work", sqlca.sqlcode); exit(1); } if (wait) { printf("Next"); fflush(stdout); fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin); } } exit(0); } struct entry *get_next_entry(FILE *in) { static struct entry e; static char buf[BUFSIZ], eid[16], classbuf[10]; static char name[LEN_NAME + 1], id[LEN_ID + 1], course[LEN_COURSE + 1]; static char year[LEN_YEAR + 1], address[LEN_ADDRESS + 1]; static char dorm_room[LEN_DORM_ROOM + 1], city[LEN_CITY + 1]; static char state[LEN_STATE + 1], dphone[LEN_DPHONE + 1]; static char mphone[LEN_MPHONE + 1], sname[LEN_NAME + 1], title[128]; static int nyear = 0; int ends_jr, ends_iii, ends_iv, ends_sr, ends_ii, ends_v; char *p; if (nyear == 0) { struct tm *tm; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); tm = localtime(&tv.tv_sec); nyear = tm->tm_year; if (tm->tm_mon > 5) nyear++; } if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), in)) return NULL; strncpy(name, &buf[LOC_NAME], LEN_NAME); name[LEN_NAME] = '\0'; strncpy(id, &buf[LOC_ID], LEN_ID); id[LEN_ID] = '\0'; strncpy(course, &buf[LOC_COURSE], LEN_COURSE); course[LEN_COURSE] = '\0'; strncpy(year, &buf[LOC_YEAR], LEN_YEAR); year[LEN_YEAR] = '\0'; strncpy(address, &buf[LOC_ADDRESS], LEN_ADDRESS); address[LEN_ADDRESS] = '\0'; strncpy(dorm_room, &buf[LOC_DORM_ROOM], LEN_DORM_ROOM); dorm_room[LEN_DORM_ROOM] = '\0'; strncpy(city, &buf[LOC_CITY], LEN_CITY); city[LEN_CITY] = '\0'; strncpy(state, &buf[LOC_STATE], LEN_STATE); state[LEN_STATE] = '\0'; strncpy(dphone, &buf[LOC_DPHONE], LEN_DPHONE); dphone[LEN_DPHONE] = '\0'; strncpy(mphone, &buf[LOC_MPHONE], LEN_MPHONE); mphone[LEN_MPHONE] = '\0'; strcpy(sname, name); e.name = strtrim(sname); p = strchr(name, ','); if (p) *p = '\0'; e.last = strtrim(name); if (p) { p++; while (isspace(*p)) p++; e.first = p; if ((p = strchr(e.first, ' '))) { *p = '\0'; e.first = strtrim(e.first); e.middle = strtrim(p + 1); } else { e.first = strtrim(e.first); e.middle = ""; } } else { e.first = ""; e.middle = ""; } ends_jr = ends_iii = ends_iv = ends_sr = ends_ii = ends_v = 0; LookForSt(e.last); LookForO(e.last); LookForJrAndIII(e.last, &ends_sr, &ends_jr, &ends_iii, &ends_iv, &ends_ii, &ends_v); LookForJrAndIII(e.first, &ends_sr, &ends_jr, &ends_iii, &ends_iv, &ends_ii, &ends_v); FixCase(e.last); FixCase(e.first); FixCase(e.middle); e.id = id; e.id[LEN_ID] = '\0'; e.eid = eid; EncryptID(e.eid, e.id, e.first, e.last); e.year = strtrim(year); e.title = title; if (e.year[0] == 'G') { e.class = "G"; sprintf(title, "Grad Student"); } else { e.class = classbuf; sprintf(classbuf, "%d", nyear + 4 - atoi(e.year) + 1900); sprintf(title, "Undergrad (class of %s)", classbuf); } e.course = strtrim(course); e.address = strtrim(address); e.dorm = strtrim(dorm_room); e.city = strtrim(city); e.state = strtrim(state); e.dphone = strtrim(dphone); e.mphone = strtrim(mphone); return &e; } void process_entry(struct entry *e) { int changed, nochange, encrypted; char buf[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH], *from, *to; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char *first, *last, *middle, *eid, *sid, *name, *rdept; char *rtitle, *rophone, *rhphone, *prog; char class[USERS_TYPE_SIZE], haddr[USERS_HOME_ADDR_SIZE]; char hphone[USERS_HOME_PHONE_SIZE], ophone[USERS_OFFICE_PHONE_SIZE]; char dept[USERS_DEPARTMENT_SIZE], raddr[USERS_XADDRESS_SIZE]; char dfirst[USERS_FIRST_SIZE], dlast[USERS_LAST_SIZE]; char dmiddle[USERS_MIDDLE_SIZE]; int id, status, who; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; who = WHO; prog = PROG; first = e->first; if (strlen(first) > USERS_FIRST_SIZE - 1) first[USERS_FIRST_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; last = e->last; if (strlen(last) > USERS_LAST_SIZE - 1) last[USERS_LAST_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; middle = e->middle; if (strlen(middle) > USERS_MIDDLE_SIZE - 1) middle[USERS_MIDDLE_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; eid = e->eid; sid = e->id; id = 0; encrypted = 0; /* Get user info */ EXEC SQL SELECT users_id, first, last, middle, type, home_addr, home_phone, office_phone, status, department INTO :id, :dfirst, :dlast, :dmiddle, :class, :haddr, :hphone, :ophone, :status, :dept FROM users WHERE clearid = :sid; if (sqlfail()) { if (sqlca.sqlcode == SQL_DUPLICATE) { com_err(whoami, 0, "duplicate ID number %s on user %s %s", sid, first, last); return; } else sqlexit(); } if (id == 0) { EXEC SQL SELECT users_id, first, last, middle, type, home_addr, home_phone, office_phone, status, department INTO :id, :dfirst, :dlast, :dmiddle, :class, :haddr, :hphone, :ophone, :status, :dept FROM users WHERE last = :last and first = :first and clearid = :eid; if (sqlfail()) sqlexit(); encrypted++; if (id == 0) { newuser(e); return; } } /* See if class changed: if it's different, and the value in the database * is not STAFF or SIPBMEM, and the value from the tape is actually * meaningful, then update the database. Since they were on the * students tape, make the account usable. */ if (strcmp(e->class, strtrim(class)) && strcmp(class, "STAFF") && strcmp(class, "SIPBMEM") && e->year[0]) { com_err(whoami, 0, "updating class for user %s %s from %s to %s", first, last, class, e->class); if (status == US_NOT_ALLOWED) status = US_NO_LOGIN_YET; if (status == US_ENROLL_NOT_ALLOWED) status = US_ENROLLED; strcpy(class, e->class); EXEC SQL UPDATE users SET type = NVL(:class, CHR(0)), status = :status, modtime = SYSDATE, modby = :who, modwith = :prog WHERE users_id = :id; if (sqlca.sqlcode) { dbmserr("updating class", sqlca.sqlcode); exit(1); } } /* Update name if necessary */ if (strcmp(first, strtrim(dfirst)) || strcmp(last, strtrim(dlast)) || strcmp(middle, strtrim(dmiddle))) { com_err(whoami, 0, "updating real name for %s %s", first, last); EXEC SQL UPDATE users SET first = NVL(:first, CHR(0)), last = NVL(:last, CHR(0)), middle = NVL(:middle, CHR(0)), modby = :who, modwith = :prog, modtime = SYSDATE WHERE users_id = :id; if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0) { dbmserr("updating name", sqlca.sqlcode); exit(1); } } /* Deal with updating the finger info if necessary */ changed = nochange = 0; if (encrypted) changed++; strcpy(buf, e->address); if (*e->dorm) { strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, e->dorm); } if (*e->city) { strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, e->city); } FixCase(buf); if (*e->state) { strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, e->state); } while ((to = strchr(buf, ','))) *to = ';'; while ((to = strchr(buf, ':'))) *to = ';'; if (newfinger) { if (haddr[0] == ' ') { strncpy(haddr, buf, USERS_HOME_ADDR_SIZE - 1); haddr[USERS_HOME_ADDR_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; changed++; } else if (strncmp(strtrim(haddr), buf, USERS_HOME_ADDR_SIZE - 1)) nochange++; } else { if (strncmp(strtrim(haddr), buf, USERS_HOME_ADDR_SIZE - 1)) changed++; strncpy(haddr, buf, USERS_HOME_ADDR_SIZE - 1); haddr[USERS_HOME_ADDR_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; } from = e->dphone; to = buf; while (*from) { if (isdigit(*from)) *to++ = *from; from++; } *to = '\0'; if (newfinger) { if (hphone[0] == ' ') { strncpy(hphone, buf, USERS_HOME_PHONE_SIZE - 1); hphone[USERS_HOME_PHONE_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; } else if (strncmp(strtrim(hphone), buf, USERS_HOME_PHONE_SIZE - 1)) nochange++; } else { if (strncmp(strtrim(hphone), buf, USERS_HOME_PHONE_SIZE - 1)) changed++; strncpy(hphone, buf, USERS_HOME_PHONE_SIZE - 1); hphone[USERS_HOME_PHONE_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; } from = e->mphone; to = buf; while (*from) { if (isdigit(*from)) *to++ = *from; from++; } *to = '\0'; if (newfinger) { if (ophone[0] == ' ') { strncpy(ophone, buf, USERS_OFFICE_PHONE_SIZE - 1); ophone[USERS_OFFICE_PHONE_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; } else if (strncmp(strtrim(ophone), buf, USERS_OFFICE_PHONE_SIZE - 1)) nochange++; } else { if (strncmp(strtrim(ophone), buf, USERS_OFFICE_PHONE_SIZE - 1)) changed++; strncpy(ophone, buf, USERS_OFFICE_PHONE_SIZE - 1); ophone[USERS_OFFICE_PHONE_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; } e->course = e->course; if (newfinger) { if (dept[0] == ' ') { strncpy(dept, e->course, USERS_DEPARTMENT_SIZE - 1); dept[USERS_DEPARTMENT_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; } else if (strncmp(strtrim(dept), e->course, USERS_DEPARTMENT_SIZE - 1)) nochange++; } else { if (strncmp(strtrim(dept), e->course, USERS_DEPARTMENT_SIZE - 1)) changed++; strncpy(dept, e->course, USERS_DEPARTMENT_SIZE - 1); dept[USERS_DEPARTMENT_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; } sid = e->id; name = e->name; rdept = e->course; rtitle = e->title; rophone = e->mphone; rhphone = e->dphone; strcpy(raddr, e->address); if (*e->dorm) { strcat(raddr, " "); strcat(raddr, e->dorm); } strcat(raddr, "|"); if (*e->city) { strcat(raddr, e->city); FixCase(raddr); if (*e->state) { strcat(raddr, " "); if (isupper(e->state[0]) && isupper(e->state[1]) && isdigit(e->state[2]) && isdigit(e->state[3]) && isdigit(e->state[4]) && isdigit(e->state[5]) && isdigit(e->state[6])) { sprintf(buf, "%c%c %s", e->state[0], e->state[1], &(e->state[2])); strcat(raddr, buf); } else strcat(raddr, e->state); } } else { FixCase(raddr); strcat(raddr, "MIT INTERDEPARTMENTAL MAIL"); } if (changed) { com_err(whoami, 0, "updating finger for %s %s", first, last); EXEC SQL UPDATE users SET home_addr = NVL(:haddr, CHR(0)), home_phone = NVL(:hphone, CHR(0)), office_phone = NVL(:ophone, CHR(0)), department = NVL(:dept, CHR(0)), fmodtime = SYSDATE, fmodby = :who, fmodwith = :prog, xname = NVL(:name, CHR(0)), xdept = NVL(:rdept, CHR(0)), xtitle = NVL(:rtitle, CHR(0)), xaddress = NVL(:raddr, CHR(0)), xphone1 = NVL(:rhphone, CHR(0)), xphone2 = NVL(:rophone, CHR(0)), xmodtime = SYSDATE, clearid = NVL(:sid, CHR(0)) WHERE users_id = :id; if (sqlca.sqlcode) { dbmserr(NULL, sqlca.sqlcode); exit(1); } } else { EXEC SQL UPDATE users SET xname = NVL(:name, CHR(0)), xdept = NVL(:rdept, CHR(0)), xtitle = NVL(:rtitle, CHR(0)), xaddress = NVL(:raddr, CHR(0)), xphone1 = NVL(:rhphone, CHR(0)), xphone2 = NVL(:rophone, CHR(0)), xmodtime = SYSDATE, clearid = NVL(:sid, CHR(0)) WHERE users_id = :id; if (sqlca.sqlcode) { dbmserr(NULL, sqlca.sqlcode); exit(1); } } } void newuser(struct entry *e) { char buf[512], *from, *to; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int id, uid, who; char *last, *first, *class, *middle, login[USERS_LOGIN_SIZE], *sid; char fullname[USERS_FULLNAME_SIZE], *prog; char haddr[USERS_HOME_ADDR_SIZE], hphone[USERS_HOME_PHONE_SIZE]; char ophone[USERS_OFFICE_PHONE_SIZE], dept[USERS_DEPARTMENT_SIZE]; char *title, raddr[USERS_XADDRESS_SIZE], *name; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; who = WHO; prog = PROG; strcpy(buf, e->address); if (*e->dorm) { strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, e->dorm); } if (*e->city) { strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, e->city); } if (*e->state) { strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, e->state); } strncpy(haddr, buf, USERS_HOME_ADDR_SIZE - 1); haddr[USERS_HOME_ADDR_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; from = e->dphone; to = buf; while (*from) { if (isdigit(*from)) *to++ = *from; from++; } *to = '\0'; strncpy(hphone, buf, USERS_HOME_PHONE_SIZE - 1); hphone[USERS_HOME_PHONE_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; from = e->mphone; to = buf; while (*from) { if (isdigit(*from)) *to++ = *from; from++; } *to = '\0'; strncpy(ophone, buf, USERS_OFFICE_PHONE_SIZE - 1); ophone[USERS_OFFICE_PHONE_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; strncpy(dept, e->course, USERS_DEPARTMENT_SIZE - 1); dept[USERS_DEPARTMENT_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; id = set_next_users_id(0); uid = set_next_uid(1); sprintf(login, "#%d", uid); last = e->last; first = e->first; middle = e->middle; sid = e->id; class = e->class; title = e->title; if (*middle) sprintf(fullname, "%s %s %s", first, middle, last); else sprintf(fullname, "%s %s", first, last); name = e->name; strcpy(raddr, e->address); if (*e->dorm) { strcat(raddr, " "); strcat(raddr, e->dorm); } strcat(raddr, "|"); if (*e->city) { strcat(raddr, e->city); FixCase(raddr); if (*e->state) { strcat(raddr, " "); if (isupper(e->state[0]) && isupper(e->state[1]) && isdigit(e->state[2]) && isdigit(e->state[3]) && isdigit(e->state[4]) && isdigit(e->state[5]) && isdigit(e->state[6])) { sprintf(buf, "%c%c %s", e->state[0], e->state[1], &(e->state[2])); strcat(raddr, buf); } else strcat(raddr, e->state); } } else { FixCase(raddr); strcat(raddr, "MIT INTERDEPARTMENTAL MAIL"); } EXEC SQL INSERT INTO users (login, users_id, unix_uid, shell, last, first, middle, status, clearid, type, modtime, modby, modwith, fullname, home_addr, home_phone, office_phone, department, fmodtime, fmodby, fmodwith, potype, xname, xdept, xtitle, xaddress, xphone1, xphone2, xmodtime) VALUES (:login, :id, :uid, '/bin/athena/tcsh', NVL(:last, CHR(0)), NVL(:first, CHR(0)), NVL(:middle, CHR(0)), 0, NVL(:sid, CHR(0)), NVL(:class, CHR(0)), SYSDATE, :who, :prog, NVL(:fullname, CHR(0)), NVL(:haddr, CHR(0)), NVL(:hphone, CHR(0)), NVL(:ophone, CHR(0)), NVL(:dept, CHR(0)), SYSDATE, :who, :prog, 'NONE', NVL(:name, CHR(0)), NVL(:dept, CHR(0)), NVL(:title, CHR(0)), NVL(:raddr, CHR(0)), NVL(:hphone, CHR(0)), NVL(:ophone, CHR(0)), SYSDATE); if (sqlca.sqlcode) { dbmserr("adding user", sqlca.sqlcode); exit(1); } else com_err(whoami, 0, "adding user %s %s", e->first, e->last); } int set_next_users_id(int limit) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int flag, value, retval; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL SELECT value INTO :value FROM numvalues WHERE name = 'users_id'; if (sqlfail()) sqlexit(); if (sqlca.sqlerrd[2] != 1) { EXEC SQL ROLLBACK; com_err(whoami, MR_INTERNAL, "values table inconsistancy"); exit(1); } flag = 0; EXEC SQL SELECT users_id INTO :flag FROM users WHERE users_id = :value; if (sqlfail()) sqlexit(); if (sqlca.sqlerrd[2] == 0) flag = 0; while (flag) { value++; if (limit && value > MAX_ID_VALUE) value = MIN_ID_VALUE; flag = 0; EXEC SQL SELECT users_id INTO :flag FROM users WHERE users_id = :value; if (sqlfail()) sqlexit(); if (sqlca.sqlerrd[2] == 0) flag = 0; } retval = value++; if (limit && value > MAX_ID_VALUE) value = MIN_ID_VALUE; EXEC SQL UPDATE numvalues SET value = :value WHERE name = 'users_id'; if (sqlca.sqlcode) { dbmserr("updating numvalues", sqlca.sqlcode); exit(1); } return retval; } int set_next_uid(int limit) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int flag, value, retval; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL SELECT value INTO :value FROM numvalues WHERE name = 'unix_uid'; if (sqlfail()) sqlexit(); if (sqlca.sqlerrd[2] != 1) { EXEC SQL ROLLBACK; com_err(whoami, MR_INTERNAL, "values table inconsistancy"); exit(1); } flag = 0; EXEC SQL SELECT unix_uid INTO :flag FROM users WHERE unix_uid = :value; if (sqlfail()) sqlexit(); if (sqlca.sqlerrd[2] == 0) flag = 0; while (flag) { value++; if (limit && value > MAX_ID_VALUE) value = MIN_ID_VALUE; flag = 0; EXEC SQL SELECT unix_uid INTO :flag FROM users WHERE unix_uid = :value; if (sqlfail()) sqlexit(); if (sqlca.sqlerrd[2] == 0) flag = 0; } retval = value++; if (limit && value > MAX_ID_VALUE) value = MIN_ID_VALUE; EXEC SQL UPDATE numvalues SET value = :value WHERE name = 'unix_uid'; if (sqlca.sqlcode) { dbmserr("updating numvalues", sqlca.sqlcode); exit(1); } return retval; } void sqlexit(void) { dbmserr(NULL, sqlca.sqlcode); EXEC SQL ROLLBACK WORK; exit(1); } void dbmserr(char *where, int what) { char err_msg[256]; int bufsize = 256, msglength = 0; sqlglm(err_msg, &bufsize, &msglength); err_msg[msglength] = '\0'; if (where) com_err(whoami, 0, "DBMS error %swhile %s", err_msg, where); else com_err(whoami, 0, "DBMS error %s", err_msg); }