# $Id$ # # This converts the file used to originally create the database # into a program to back it up. # This is not guaranteed to work for all data types; it may # need to be extended. BEGIN { print "/* This file automatically generated */"; print "/* Do not edit */\n"; print "EXEC SQL INCLUDE sqlca;"; print "EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO dbmserr();"; print "#include \"dump_db.h\""; print "#include \"bkup.h\""; print "#define dump_bin dump_str\n"; print "/* This file automatically generated */" > "bkup1.pc"; print "/* Do not edit */\n" >> "bkup1.pc"; print "#include \"dump_db.h\"" >> "bkup1.pc"; print "#include \"bkup.h\"" >> "bkup1.pc"; print "void do_backups(char *prefix)\n{" >> "bkup1.pc"; print "/* This file automatically generated */" > "bkup.h"; print "/* Do not edit */\n" >> "bkup.h"; } $1=="#" { next; } /^create/ { printf "void dump_%s(FILE *f)\n{\n EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION;\n", $3; printf " dump_%s(open_file(prefix, \"%s\"));\n", $3, $3 >> "bkup1.pc"; printf "void dump_%s(FILE *f);\n", $3 >> "bkup.h"; tablename = $3; rangename = substr(tablename, 1, 1); count = 0; next; } NF>=2 { vname[count] = $1; printf " /* %s */\n", $0; if ($2 ~ /INTEGER/ || $2 ~ /SMALLINT/ || $2 ~ /INTEGER1/) { printf " int\tt_%s;\n", vname[count]; vtype[count]="int"; } else if ($2 ~ /CHAR\([0-9]*\)/) { t = split($2, temp, "("); if (t != 2) printf "Can't parse %s\n", $2; t = split(temp[2], temp2, ")"); if (t != 2) printf "Can't parse %s\n", temp[2]; printf " char\tt_%s[%d];\n", vname[count], temp2[1]+1; if ($1 == "signature" || $1 == "sid") { vtype[count]="bin"; printf " EXEC SQL VAR t_%s IS STRING(%d);\n", vname[count], temp2[1]+1; } else { vtype[count]="str"; } vsize[count] = temp2[1]+1; } else if ($2 ~ /DATE/) { printf " char\tt_%s[26];\n", vname[count]; vtype[count]="date"; } else printf "Unknown data type %s\n", $2; count++; } /^\);$/ { printf " EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION;\n\n"; printf " EXEC SQL DECLARE c_%s CURSOR FOR SELECT\n", tablename; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i != 0) { print ","; } if(vtype[i] ~ /date/) { printf " TO_CHAR(%s, 'DD-mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')", vname[i]; } else printf " %s", vname[i]; } printf " FROM %s;\n", tablename; printf " EXEC SQL OPEN c_%s;\n", tablename; printf " while (1)\n {\n EXEC SQL FETCH c_%s INTO\n", tablename; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i != 0) printf ",\n"; printf " :t_%s", vname[i]; } printf ";\n"; printf " if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0)\n break;\n"; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i != 0) print " dump_sep(f);"; if (vtype[i] ~ /str/ || vtype[i] ~ /date/) { printf " dump_str(f, endtrim(t_%s));\n", vname[i]; } else { printf " dump_%s(f, t_%s);\n", vtype[i], vname[i]; } } printf " dump_nl(f);\n"; printf " }\n"; printf " EXEC SQL CLOSE c_%s;\n", tablename; printf " safe_close(f);\n"; printf "}\n\n"; } END { print "/* All done */"; print "}" >> "bkup1.pc"; }