/* * The Data Control Manager for MOIRA. * * Copyright 1987, 1988 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * For copying and distribution information, see the file * "mit-copyright.h". * * $Source$ * $Author$ * $Header$ */ #ifndef lint static char rcsid_dcm_c[] = "$Header$"; #endif lint #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include EXEC SQL INCLUDE sqlca; EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO dbmserr(); #define SQL_NO_MATCH 1403 #define SOFT_FAIL(x) (((x) == MR_NO_MEM) || ((x) == MR_CANT_CONNECT) || ((x) == MR_CCONFIG) || ((x) == MR_DEADLOCK) || ((x) == MR_BUSY) || ((x) == MR_ABORT)) char whobuf[256], *whoami=whobuf, *db="moira"; extern CONNECTION conn; int main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int i; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char buf[16], *name; int enable; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; struct save_queue *sq; int status; if (strchr(argv[0], '/')) strcpy(whoami, strrchr(argv[0], '/')+1); else strcpy(whoami, argv[0]); umask(7); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ); initialize_sms_error_table(); initialize_krb_error_table(); /* if services were specified on the command line, do just those ones */ if (argc > 1) { for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (generate_service(argv[i], 1)) do_hosts(argv[i]); } exit(0); } /* if DCM is not enabled, exit after logging */ if (!access(NODCMFILE, F_OK)) { printf("/etc/nodcm exists -- exiting\n"); exit(1); } EXEC SQL CONNECT :db IDENTIFIED BY :db; EXEC SQL SELECT value INTO :enable FROM numvalues WHERE name='dcm_enable'; if (enable == 0) { printf("dcm_enable not set -- exiting\n"); exit(1); } /* fetch list of services */ EXEC SQL DECLARE csr_svc CURSOR FOR SELECT LOWER(name) FROM servers WHERE enable=1 AND harderror=0 AND update_int>0; EXEC SQL OPEN csr_svc; sq = sq_create(); while(1) { EXEC SQL FETCH csr_svc INTO :buf; if (sqlca.sqlcode) break; sq_save_data(sq, strdup(strtrim(buf))); } EXEC SQL CLOSE csr_svc; /* we will repeatedly open and close the db since it seems to get upset if you keep it open across a fork */ EXEC SQL COMMIT RELEASE; /* Now run through list */ while (sq_get_data(sq, &name)) { if (generate_service(name, 0)) { switch (fork()) { case -1: fprintf(stderr, "dcm: could not fork to for service %s -- exiting", name); exit(1); case 0: sprintf(strchr(whoami, '\0'), " (%s)", name); do_hosts(name); com_err(whoami, 0, "exiting"); exit(0); default: break; } } } /* wait for children */ while (waitpid(0, &status, 0) > 0) ; com_err(whoami, 0, "exiting"); } int generate_service(char *name, int force) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int interval, dfcheck, status; time_t now; char *errmsg; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; char dfgen_prog[64], dfgen_cmd[128]; struct sigaction action, prevaction; int waits; EXEC SQL CONNECT :db IDENTIFIED BY :db; EXEC SQL SELECT update_int, dfcheck INTO :interval, :dfcheck FROM servers WHERE name=UPPER(:name); if (sqlca.sqlcode == SQL_NO_MATCH) { com_err(whoami, 0, "No such service `%s'", name); EXEC SQL COMMIT RELEASE; return 0; } time(&now); if ((interval * 60 + dfcheck < now) || force) { sprintf(dfgen_prog, "%s/%s.gen", BIN_DIR, name); if (access(dfgen_prog, F_OK) != 0) { com_err(whoami, 0, "prog %s doesn't exist", dfgen_prog); EXEC SQL COMMIT RELEASE; return 0; } sprintf(dfgen_cmd, "exec %s %s/%s.out", dfgen_prog, DCM_DIR, name); com_err(whoami, 0, "running %s", dfgen_prog); EXEC SQL UPDATE servers SET inprogress=1 WHERE name=UPPER(:name); action.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); action.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sigaction(SIGCHLD, &action, &prevaction); waits = system(dfgen_cmd); sigaction(SIGCHLD, &prevaction, NULL); if (WIFSIGNALED(waits)) { status = MR_COREDUMP; com_err(whoami, status, " %s exited on signal %d", dfgen_prog, WTERMSIG(waits)); } else if (WEXITSTATUS(waits)) { /* extract the process's exit value */ status = WEXITSTATUS(waits) + ERROR_TABLE_BASE_sms; if (status != MR_NO_CHANGE) com_err(whoami, status, "in %s", dfgen_prog); } else status = MR_SUCCESS; if (status == MR_SUCCESS) { EXEC SQL UPDATE servers SET dfgen = :now, dfcheck = :now, inprogress = 0 WHERE name=UPPER(:name); EXEC SQL COMMIT RELEASE; return 1; } else if (status == MR_NO_CHANGE) { EXEC SQL UPDATE servers SET dfcheck = :now, inprogress = 0 WHERE name=UPPER(:name); } else if (SOFT_FAIL(status)) { errmsg = error_message(status); EXEC SQL UPDATE servers SET errmsg = :errmsg, inprogress = 0 WHERE name=UPPER(:name); } else { /* HARD_FAIL(status) */ errmsg = error_message(status); EXEC SQL UPDATE servers SET dfcheck = :now, harderror = :status, errmsg = :errmsg, inprogress = 0 WHERE name=UPPER(:name); #if 0 critical_alert("DCM","DCM building config files for %s: %s", name, errmsg); #endif } } EXEC SQL COMMIT RELEASE; return 0; } void do_hosts(char *service) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char type[16], host[73], target[64], script[128], *errmsg; int status = 0, mid, dfgen, replicated; time_t now; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; time(&now); gdb_init(); EXEC SQL CONNECT :db IDENTIFIED BY :db; EXEC SQL SELECT dfgen, type, target_file, script INTO :dfgen, :type, :target, :script FROM servers WHERE name=UPPER(:service); replicated = !strncmp(type, "REPLICAT", 8); EXEC SQL DECLARE csr_hst1 CURSOR FOR SELECT m.name FROM machine m, serverhosts sh WHERE sh.service=UPPER(:service) AND sh.enable=1 AND sh.hosterror=0 AND sh.lts<:dfgen AND sh.mach_id=m.mach_id FOR UPDATE OF sh.inprogress, sh.hosterror, sh.hosterrmsg; EXEC SQL OPEN csr_hst1; while (1) { EXEC SQL FETCH csr_hst1 INTO :host; if (sqlca.sqlcode == SQL_NO_MATCH) break; com_err(whoami, 0, "sending %s data to %s", service, strtrim(host)); EXEC SQL UPDATE serverhosts SET inprogress = 1 WHERE CURRENT OF csr_hst1; status = dcm_send_file(service, host, strtrim(target)); if (status) { errmsg = error_message(status); EXEC SQL UPDATE serverhosts SET hosterrmsg = :errmsg, inprogress = 0 WHERE CURRENT OF csr_hst1; if (!SOFT_FAIL(status)) { EXEC SQL UPDATE serverhosts SET hosterror = :status WHERE CURRENT OF csr_hst1; #if 0 critical_alert("DCM", "DCM updating %s:%s: %s", service, host, errmsg); #endif } if (replicated) break; } } EXEC SQL CLOSE csr_hst1; if (status == MR_SUCCESS || !replicated) { EXEC SQL DECLARE csr_hst2 CURSOR FOR SELECT m.name FROM machine m, serverhosts sh WHERE sh.service=UPPER(:service) AND sh.inprogress=1 AND sh.mach_id=m.mach_id FOR UPDATE OF sh.hosterror, sh.hosterrmsg, sh.inprogress; EXEC SQL OPEN csr_hst2; while (1) { EXEC SQL FETCH csr_hst2 INTO :host; if (sqlca.sqlcode == SQL_NO_MATCH) break; com_err(whoami, 0, "executing instructions on %s", strtrim(host)); status = dcm_execute(service, host, strtrim(script)); if (status) { errmsg = error_message(status); EXEC SQL UPDATE serverhosts SET hosterrmsg = :errmsg, inprogress = 0 WHERE CURRENT OF csr_hst2; if (!SOFT_FAIL(status)) { EXEC SQL UPDATE serverhosts SET hosterror = :status WHERE CURRENT OF csr_hst2; #if 0 critical_alert("DCM", "DCM updating %s:%s: %s", service, host, errmsg); #endif } if (replicated) { /* We're giving up, so clear the inprogress flag on any hosts in this service we haven't gotten to yet */ EXEC SQL UPDATE serverhosts SET inprogress = 0 WHERE service=UPPER(:service); break; } } else { EXEC SQL UPDATE serverhosts SET inprogress=0, lts=:now WHERE CURRENT OF csr_hst2; } } EXEC SQL CLOSE csr_hst2; } if (status && replicated) { EXEC SQL UPDATE servers SET harderror = :status, errmsg = :errmsg WHERE name = UPPER(:service); } EXEC SQL COMMIT RELEASE; } int dcm_send_file(char *service, char *host, char *target) { char addr[256], data[MAXPATHLEN]; int code; sprintf(addr, "%s:moira_update", host); conn = start_server_connection(addr, ""); if (!conn || (connection_status(conn) == CON_STOPPED)) { com_err(whoami, connection_errno(conn), "can't connect to %s", addr); return MR_CANT_CONNECT; } code = send_auth(host); if (code) { com_err(whoami, code, "authenticating to %s", host); goto done; } sprintf(data, "%s/%s.out", DCM_DIR, service); code = send_file(data, target, 1); if (code == MR_UNKNOWN_PROC) code = send_file(data, target, 0); if (code) com_err(whoami, code, "sending data to %s", host); done: send_quit(); sever_connection(conn); return(code); } int dcm_execute(char *service, char *host, char *script) { char addr[256], inst[MAXPATHLEN]; int code; sprintf(addr, "%s:moira_update", host); conn = start_server_connection(addr, ""); if (!conn || (connection_status(conn) == CON_STOPPED)) { com_err(whoami, connection_errno(conn), "can't connect to %s", addr); return MR_CANT_CONNECT; } code = send_auth(host); if (code) { com_err(whoami, code, "authenticating to %s", host); goto done; } sprintf(inst, "/tmp/moira-update.XXXXXX"); mktemp(inst); code = send_file(script, inst, 0); if (code) { com_err(whoami, code, "sending instructions to %s", host); goto done; } code = execute(inst); if (code) com_err(whoami, code, "executing instructions on %s", host); done: send_quit(); sever_connection(conn); return(code); } void dbmserr(void) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char err_msg[256]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; int bufsize=256, msglength=0; sqlglm(err_msg, &bufsize, &msglength); err_msg[msglength]=0; com_err(whoami, 0, "Encountered SQL error:\n%s", err_msg); com_err(whoami, 0, "exiting"); exit(1); }