]> andersk Git - moira.git/blame - clients/mmoira/helpfile
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[moira.git] / clients / mmoira / helpfile
646e07cf 1*no_more_help
2Sorry, no further help is available.
4This will display information about a user in the database. The user
5may or may not have an active account.
7Users may be retrieved in four ways:
8+ by login name (may use wildcards)
9+ by Unix UID (must match exactly)
10+ by first and/or last names (may use wildcards)
11+ by class (please do not specify a class with too many people in it)
13Fill in the desired field(s), mouse on "OK", and moira will retrieve
14any matching users. Moira will look to see which field(s) you
15filled in, and perform one of the for retrievals mentioned above.
17Specify all of the information to add a new user to the database. The
18user need not have an active useraccount.
20+ specify a login name of 3 to 8 characters, or the special value
21 "create unique login" to have moira choose one for you
22+ specify a number for the UID, or the special value "create unique UID"
23 to have moira choose one for you.
24+ Moira has a set of standard capitalization rules it uses on users'
25 real names. If you attempt to enter names capitalized differently,
26 Moira will complain. You may override this, but if you do so, the
27 register program may not work for that user.
28+ the ID number will be one-way encrypted before being stored in the
29 database. If you wish to enter the encrypted ID directly, enclose
30 it in double-quotes.
31+ to create a fully active user account, enter a user here as status
32 "Registerable", then use the "register" option on the "user" menu to
33 complete the user account.
35This will turn an entry for a user in the database to a fully
36functioning account. The user may be selected in two ways:
38+ specify the real name of the user (with wildcards allowed) in the
39 first name and last name fields. This must match only one user in
40 the database.
41+ specify the unix UID of the desired user.
43Be sure to fill in a login name which is not in use. The suggested
44name is
45 first initial, middle initial, first six characters of last name
46but must be eight or fewer characters long.
48Specify the login name of the user to be modified. Wildcards may
49be used, but your specification must match exactly one user.
51Change any fields desired, then mouse on "OK" to modify the user
52entry. You may even change the login name.
54+ You may change the UID to the special value "create unique UID"
55 to have moira choose another one for you.
56+ Moira has a set of standard capitalization rules it uses on users'
57 real names. If you attempt to enter names capitalized differently,
58 Moira will complain. You may override this, but if you do so, the
59 register program may not work for that user.
60+ the ID number will be one-way encrypted before being stored in the
61 database. To enter an already encrypted ID, type double-quotes (")
62 around it.
63+ If you are just changing the account status, in the future remember
64 that the "deactivate" choice of the "user" menu is a quick way to
65 set the status to "3 - Deleted".
67Specify the login name of the user to be deactivated.
69Deactivating a user makes their account no longer usable. They will
70show up with an account status of "3 - Marked for Deletion". However,
71all of their information will still be in the database so that the
72account can be turned back on if necessary. Since they are still in
73the database, their login name and UID may not be re-used. You may
74wish to make the user's group list no longer active and deny access to
75their locker at the same time.
77At some point in the future, deactivated accounts should be expunged,
78either in bulk or with the "expunge" option of the "user" menu.
80Specify the login name of the user to be expunged.
82This will remove the user's record from the Moira database (but not
83from Kerberos). Once this is done, the login name and UID may be
84reused. It is a good idea to leave users in the deactivated state for
85a while before expunging them so that the name and ID are not reused
86right away, and the account can be reactivated if necessary.
88At Project Athena, we have decided that expunging individual accounts
89is a bad idea, so any account which has ever been active may not be
90expunged this way. These accounts must be removed in bulk by the
91Moira administrator.
93Specify a login name to select a user whose finger information will be
94displayed. This information will exist for users whose accounts are
95not yet active, as it is loaded at the same time as the users
98Specify the login name of the user whose finger information is to be
99modified. Wildcards may be used, but your specification must match
100exactly one user.
102Enter the new information about the user. This information will
103appear where the finger program can see it.
105You may set your name as it appears to other users to anything you
106want. Please keep it something resembling your real name. Our
107operations staff can find out the real name of the owner of an
110The rest of the information is optional, and is initialized to
111information from the administration. If you do not want this
112information to appear for you, type spaces over it. Please do not
113enter incorrect information.
115Note that commas (,) and colons (:) are not allowed in these
116responses. This is due to how the information is manipulated later.
117We suggest that you use a semicolon (;) to separate parts of your
120Enter the login name of a user to see what that user's P. O. Box or
121mail forwarding is set to.
123This allows you to set where a user receives their mail. Specify the
124login name to select a user.
126+ If the type is POP, then the user will receive their mail on a post
127 office (POP) server. Select one of the POP servers listed below.
128+ If the type is SMTP, then the user will have their mail forwarded
129 somewhere else. Type the destination address in the "SMTP Address"
130 field.
131+ If the type is NONE, the user will be unable to recieve mail. This
132 is the same as deleting the P. O. Box.
134Note that if the user has had their mail forwarded, and wants to
135recieve it locally again, you should not use this form; select the
136"reset" option from the "pobox" menu to select the same POP server
137that they previously used.
139To add new POP servers to the list, add them as POP servers in the
140servers submenu of the updates menu.
142This option will change a user's mail setting to receiving on a local
143POP server. The server chosen will be the same one that the user has
144used in the past. If the user is already receiving their mail
145locally, or has never had a POP box, then you will get an error. Use
146the "set" option of the "pobox" menu for more general mail
149If you delete a user's P. O. Box, they will not be able to receive
150mail. This normally should not be done. To go ahead and delete a
151users mailbox, enter their login name.
153This will display user to kerberos principal mappings. You may
154specify the mappings to be displayed by entering a login name, a
155principal name, or both. Either field may contain wildcards.
157This will add a new user to kerberos mapping to the database. You
158must fill in both fields, entering a login name and a kerberos
161Note that the principal is case sensitive, and should be entered with
162the realm in uppercase. If the principal name contains a periods or
163at-signs other than as separators between the name, instance and
164realm, be sure to escape them with backslashes (\).
166This will remove a mapping from the database. You must fill in both
167fields, exactly matching an existing kerberos mapping.
169Note that the principal is case sensitive, and should be entered with
170the realm in uppercase. If the principal name contains a periods or
171at-signs other than as separators between the name, instance and
172realm, be sure to escape them with backslashes (\).
174This will show you the information about one or more machines (hosts)
175in the database. Wildcards may be used in the name. If no wildcards
176are used, the name you type will be canonicalized by the domain name
177system before being looked up in the database. To bypass this
178canonicalization, put the name inside a pair of double-quotes. All
179machine name comparisons are case-insensitive.
181This will add a new machine (host) to the database. The name you type
182will be canonicalized by the domain name system. To bypass this
183canonicalization, put the name inside a pair of double-quotes. Each
184machine must be of one of the defined types.
186Note that type "AFS" is used with pseudo-machines that are used as AFS
187cellname indicators.
189Enter the name of the machine (host) to modify or delete. Wildcards
190may be used in the name. If no wildcards are used, the name you type
191will be canonicalized by the domain name system before being looked up
192in the database. To bypass this canonicalization, put the name inside
193a pair of double-quotes. All machine name comparisons are
196You may change the name and/or type of the machine. The name you type
197will be canonicalized by the domain name system. To bypass this
198canonicalization, put the name inside a pair of double-quotes. Each
199machine must be of one of the defined types.
201Note that type "AFS" is used with pseudo-machines that are used as AFS
202cellname indicators.
204This moira client was written by Mark Rosenstein and Andy Oakland of
205MIT Project Athena.
207Moira is a system configuration manager for distributed systems. This
208program is the user interface part of the system, and allows you to
209manipulate everything moira knows about.
211The top menu bar lists the kinds of things moira knows about, and
212clicking the mouse on one of them will display a menu of operations
213supported for that kind of object. Some of these menus have submenus
214for related objects.
216When you select a menu item, a form will be displayed. Fill out any
217desired parts of the form:
218 + put the correct value in any text fields
219 + click on the appropriate choice in keyword fields
220 + click on the value to toggle booleans between True and False
221 + typing TAB will forward you to the next field
222When you are done, click the mouse on "OK". If you are retrieving
223information from the database, the results will be displayed in the
224window underneath the form. Each form has a help message specific to
225that form that you can see by clicking the mouse on "HELP". If you
226click on "CANCEL", the form will disappear without doing anything.
228This will allow you to add a new keyword which can be specified for
229the field in the previous form. Moira type fields are checked against
230a list of legal values, but this list itself can easily be changed.
231However, this should not be done lightly. Be sure you know what you
232are doing and really want this new value before adding it.
234To have a keyword value removed, ask the Moira system administrator.
236Wildcards are allowed in most fields when looking things up in the
237database. Asterisk "*" will match zero or more characters, so that
238"Rose*" will match "Rose", "Rosen", "Rosenberg" or "Rosenstein".
240Be careful about using wildcards where your query will match too much
241data in the database. You probably do not want to retrieve 1000
242items, and doing so will cause the server to take a long time and
243possibly require more resources than are available.
245This will allow you to remove a particular member from all lists that
246member belongs to. You may specify any type of member, but must
247exactly match that member without wildcards.
249This program can prompt you for each deletion, or simply do them all.
251If you answer yes, this member will be deleted from the named list.
252Answer no to avoid the deletion. In either case, you will continue to
253be prompted with the other lists the member belongs to.
255You may also retrieve or modify objects by using the mouse to click on
256them where they appear in the log window. Regular mouse clicks will
257do selections as they do in most X applications. But if you hold down
258SHIFT and click the first moust button, it will retrieve the
259referenced object. And if you hold down SHIFT and click the second
260mouse button, it will pull up the window to modify the referenced
261object. If you click the mouse on something the program doesn't
262recognize as an object, it will beep at you.
264For example, when you show information about a filesystem, a paragraph
265is added to the log that starts with "Filesystem: foo". If you click
266on the name (foo in the example), it will reference that filesystem
267again. The paragraph about the filesystem also mentions a machine, a
268user (the owner), a group (the owners), and another user (who last
269modified the info). You can click on any of these names to select the
270object being referred to.
272There are keyboard accelerators for many of the mouse actions.
274For chosing items from the menubar, if you hold down META and type the
275letter which is underlined in each word, you will select that menu.
276Then typing the letter underlined in any of the items in the menu will
277select that item.
279When you are filling out a form, ENTER will advance you to the next
280field if there is more than one field in the form. If there is only
281one field, ENTER is equivalent to mousing on OK. ^C in a form is the
282same as mousing on CANCEL.
284Please report bugs in this program by sending email to:
285 bug-moira@mit.edu
286Please be sure to mention what kind of computer you were running it
287on, and any other necessary information so that we can repeat the bug
288before we fix it.
290Enter a file name here, and the current contents of the log file will
291be written out to that file.
293It is important that names in the Moira database all follow the same
294capitalization style so that the register program can find users. So
295even though for a few names it may not look right, we strongly suggest
296that you follow what this program suggests.
298If you answer yes, this member will be deleted from the named list.\n\
299Answer no to avoid the deletion. In either case, you will continue to\n\
300be prompted with the other lists the member belongs to.
302This will display information about a filesystem. The filesystem may
303be of any protocol type and may be a filesystem group or multiple
304filesystem entry as well.
306Filesystems may be retireved in any of four ways:
307+ by the name of the filesystem (may use wildcards)
308+ by the name of the fileserver (machine) (must match exactly)
309+ by the actual partition of an NFS server (specify machine and
310 partition, both must match exactly)
311+ by the owning group of the filesystem (must match exactly)
313Fill in the desired field(s), click on "OK", and moira will retrieve
314any matching filesystems. Moira will look to see which field(s) you
315filled in, and perform one of the for retrievals mentioned above.
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