### mod_vhost_ldap depends on mod_ldap ### ### you have to enable mod_ldap as well ### ### and probably set various cache options for it ### ###scope values: base, one, sub ###deref values: never, finding, searching, always ###remember, user specified filter is checked as RFC-defined ldap filter before substitution ###user filter specified here results with following internal filters and variables: ### _A_ is the server name from the request (vhost server name to find) ### _B_ is the uri for which access control is to be determined ### _C_ is the name of the require valid-user directive (auth prompt message) ### _D_ is the the user-defined filter ### _E_ is the protected physical directory (doesn't need to be existing file or dir) ### _F_ is the alias location uri ### _G_ is the protected uri for which access control is to be determined (see _E_) ### _H_ is the alias uri which is to be aliased to specified directory ### Each use of search filter is logged with debug level ##################################################################### ### Vhost search ### (&(_D_)(|(apacheServerName=_A_)(apacheServerAlias=_A_))) ##################################################################### ### Protected Location Search ### (&(_D_)(apacheExtConfigServerName=_A_)(apacheExtConfigUri=_B_)) ##################################################################### ### Protected Directory Search ### (&(_D_)(apacheExtConfigPath=_E_)) ##################################################################### ### Alias Object Search ### (&(_D_)(apacheAliasConfigServerName=_A_)(apacheAliasConfigSourceUri=_H_)) ##################################################################### ### Web user Location Search ### (&(_D_)(objectClass=apacheExtendedConfigUserObject)(apacheExtConfigUserServerName=_A_)(apacheExtConfigUserLocationUri=_G_)) ##################################################################### ### Web user Directory Search ### (&(_D_)(objectClass=apacheExtendedConfigUserObject)(apacheExtConfigUserDirectoryName=_E_)) ################################## ### ldap[si]://host[:port]/basedn[?attrib[?scope[?filter]]] VhostLdapEnabled On VhostLdapUrl ldap[si]://host[:port]/basedn[?attrib[?scope[?filter]]] #VhostLdapUrl ldap://hostname:389/dc=foo,dc=bar?*?sub?objectClass=activeObject VhostLdapBindDn "cn=read only apache admin,dc=foo,dc=bar" VhostLdapBindPw "secretpassword" VhostLdapWlcBaseDn "ou=webAccess,dc=foo,dc=bar" VhostLdapWucBaseDn "ou=webAccounts,dc=foo,dc=bar" VhostLdapAliasesBaseDn "ou=webAliases,dc=foo,dc=bar" VhostLdapDeref "never" VhostLdapFallback default VhostAliasesEnabled On VhostLocAuthEnabled On VhostDirAuthEnabled On