/* * aim_misc.c * * TODO: Seperate a lot of this into an aim_bos.c. * * Other things... * * - Idle setting * * */ #include /* * aim_bos_setidle() * * Should set your current idle time in seconds. Idealy, OSCAR should * do this for us. But, it doesn't. The client must call this to set idle * time. * */ u_long aim_bos_setidle(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn, u_long idletime) { return aim_genericreq_l(sess, conn, 0x0001, 0x0011, &idletime); } /* * aim_bos_changevisibility(conn, changtype, namelist) * * Changes your visibility depending on changetype: * * AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITADD: Lets provided list of names see you * AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMIDREMOVE: Removes listed names from permit list * AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYADD: Hides you from provided list of names * AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYREMOVE: Lets list see you again * * list should be a list of * screen names in the form "Screen Name One&ScreenNameTwo&" etc. * * Equivelents to options in WinAIM: * - Allow all users to contact me: Send an AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYADD * with only your name on it. * - Allow only users on my Buddy List: Send an * AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITADD with the list the same as your * buddy list * - Allow only the uesrs below: Send an AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITADD * with everyone listed that you want to see you. * - Block all users: Send an AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITADD with only * yourself in the list * - Block the users below: Send an AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYADD with * the list of users to be blocked * * */ u_long aim_bos_changevisibility(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn, int changetype, char *denylist) { struct command_tx_struct newpacket; u_short subtype; char *localcpy = NULL; char *tmpptr = NULL; int i,j; int listcount; if (!denylist) return 0; newpacket.lock = 1; if (conn) newpacket.conn = conn; else newpacket.conn = aim_getconn_type(sess, AIM_CONN_TYPE_BOS); newpacket.type = 0x02; localcpy = (char *) malloc(strlen(denylist)+1); memcpy(localcpy, denylist, strlen(denylist)+1); listcount = aimutil_itemcnt(localcpy, '&'); newpacket.commandlen = aimutil_tokslen(localcpy, 99, '&') + listcount + 9; newpacket.data = (char *) malloc(newpacket.commandlen); memset(newpacket.data, 0x00, newpacket.commandlen); switch(changetype) { case AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITADD: subtype = 0x05; break; case AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITREMOVE: subtype = 0x06; break; case AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYADD: subtype = 0x07; break; case AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYREMOVE: subtype = 0x08; break; default: free(newpacket.data); return 0; } /* We actually DO NOT send a SNAC ID with this one! */ aim_putsnac(newpacket.data, 0x0009, subtype, 0x00, 0); j = 10; /* the next byte */ for (i=0; (i < (listcount - 1)) && (i < 99); i++) { tmpptr = aimutil_itemidx(localcpy, i, '&'); newpacket.data[j] = strlen(tmpptr); memcpy(&(newpacket.data[j+1]), tmpptr, strlen(tmpptr)); j += strlen(tmpptr)+1; free(tmpptr); } free(localcpy); newpacket.lock = 0; aim_tx_enqueue(sess, &newpacket); return (sess->snac_nextid); /* dont increment */ } /* * aim_bos_setbuddylist(buddylist) * * This just builds the "set buddy list" command then queues it. * * buddy_list = "Screen Name One&ScreenNameTwo&"; * * TODO: Clean this up. * */ u_long aim_bos_setbuddylist(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn, char *buddy_list) { int i, j; struct command_tx_struct newpacket; int packet_login_phase3c_hi_b_len = 0; char *localcpy = NULL; char *tmpptr = NULL; packet_login_phase3c_hi_b_len = 16; /* 16b for FLAP and SNAC headers */ /* bail out if we can't make the packet */ if (buddy_list == NULL) { printf("\nNO BUDDIES! ARE YOU THAT LONELY???\n"); return 0; } #if debug > 0 printf("****buddy list: %s\n", buddy_list); printf("****buddy list len: %d (%x)\n", strlen(buddy_list), strlen(buddy_list)); #endif localcpy = (char *) malloc(strlen(buddy_list)+1); memcpy(localcpy, buddy_list, strlen(buddy_list)+1); i = 0; tmpptr = strtok(localcpy, "&"); while ((tmpptr != NULL) && (i < 100)) { #if debug > 0 printf("---adding %s (%d)\n", tmpptr, strlen(tmpptr)); #endif packet_login_phase3c_hi_b_len += strlen(tmpptr)+1; i++; tmpptr = strtok(NULL, "&"); } #if debug > 0 printf("*** send buddy list len: %d (%x)\n", packet_login_phase3c_hi_b_len, packet_login_phase3c_hi_b_len); #endif free(localcpy); newpacket.type = 0x02; if (conn) newpacket.conn = conn; else newpacket.conn = aim_getconn_type(sess, AIM_CONN_TYPE_BOS); newpacket.commandlen = packet_login_phase3c_hi_b_len - 6; newpacket.lock = 1; newpacket.data = (char *) malloc(newpacket.commandlen); aim_putsnac(newpacket.data, 0x0003, 0x0004, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid); j = 10; /* the next byte */ i = 0; tmpptr = strtok(buddy_list, "&"); while ((tmpptr != NULL) & (i < 100)) { #if debug > 0 printf("---adding %s (%d)\n", tmpptr, strlen(tmpptr)); #endif newpacket.data[j] = strlen(tmpptr); memcpy(&(newpacket.data[j+1]), tmpptr, strlen(tmpptr)); j += strlen(tmpptr)+1; i++; tmpptr = strtok(NULL, "&"); } newpacket.lock = 0; aim_tx_enqueue(sess, &newpacket); return (sess->snac_nextid++); } /* * aim_bos_setprofile(profile) * * Gives BOS your profile. * */ u_long aim_bos_setprofile(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn, char *profile) { int packet_profile_len = 0; struct command_tx_struct newpacket; int i = 0; /* len: SNAC */ packet_profile_len = 10; /* len: T+L (where t(0001)) */ packet_profile_len += 2 + 2; /* len: V (where t(0001)) */ packet_profile_len += strlen("text/x-aolrtf"); /* len: T+L (where t(0002)) */ packet_profile_len += 2 + 2; /* len: V (where t(0002)) */ packet_profile_len += strlen(profile); newpacket.type = 0x02; if (conn) newpacket.conn = conn; else newpacket.conn = aim_getconn_type(sess, AIM_CONN_TYPE_BOS); newpacket.commandlen = packet_profile_len; newpacket.data = (char *) malloc(packet_profile_len); i = 0; i += aim_putsnac(newpacket.data, 0x0002, 0x004, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid); /* TLV t(0001) */ newpacket.data[i++] = 0x00; newpacket.data[i++] = 0x01; /* TLV l(000d) */ newpacket.data[i++] = 0x00; newpacket.data[i++] = 0x0d; /* TLV v(text/x-aolrtf) */ memcpy(&(newpacket.data[i]), "text/x-aolrtf", 0x000d); i += 0x000d; /* TLV t(0002) */ newpacket.data[i++] = 0x00; newpacket.data[i++] = 0x02; /* TLV l() */ newpacket.data[i++] = (strlen(profile) >> 8) & 0xFF; newpacket.data[i++] = (strlen(profile) & 0xFF); /* TLV v(profile) */ memcpy(&(newpacket.data[i]), profile, strlen(profile)); aim_tx_enqueue(sess, &newpacket); return (sess->snac_nextid++); } /* * aim_bos_setgroupperm(mask) * * Set group permisson mask. Normally 0x1f. * */ u_long aim_bos_setgroupperm(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn, u_long mask) { return aim_genericreq_l(sess, conn, 0x0009, 0x0004, &mask); } /* * aim_bos_clientready() * * Send Client Ready. * * TODO: Dynamisize. * */ u_long aim_bos_clientready(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn) { u_char command_2[] = { /* placeholders for dynamic data */ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, /* real data */ 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x13, 0x00, 0x09, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01 }; int command_2_len = 0x52; struct command_tx_struct newpacket; newpacket.lock = 1; if (conn) newpacket.conn = conn; else newpacket.conn = aim_getconn_type(sess, AIM_CONN_TYPE_BOS); newpacket.type = 0x02; newpacket.commandlen = command_2_len; newpacket.data = (char *) malloc (newpacket.commandlen); memcpy(newpacket.data, command_2, newpacket.commandlen); /* This write over the dynamic parts of the byte block */ aim_putsnac(newpacket.data, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid); aim_tx_enqueue(sess, &newpacket); return (sess->snac_nextid++); } /* * send_login_phase3(int socket) * * Request Rate Information. * * TODO: Move to aim_conn. * TODO: Move to SNAC interface. */ u_long aim_bos_reqrate(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn) { return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, 0x0001, 0x0006); } /* * send_login_phase3b(int socket) * * Rate Information Response Acknowledge. * */ u_long aim_bos_ackrateresp(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn) { struct command_tx_struct newpacket; newpacket.lock = 1; if (conn) newpacket.conn = conn; else newpacket.conn = aim_getconn_type(sess, AIM_CONN_TYPE_BOS); newpacket.type = 0x02; newpacket.commandlen = 18; newpacket.data = (char *) malloc(newpacket.commandlen); aim_putsnac(newpacket.data, 0x0001, 0x0008, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid); newpacket.data[10] = 0x00; newpacket.data[11] = 0x01; newpacket.data[12] = 0x00; newpacket.data[13] = 0x02; newpacket.data[14] = 0x00; newpacket.data[15] = 0x03; newpacket.data[16] = 0x00; newpacket.data[17] = 0x04; aim_tx_enqueue(sess, &newpacket); return (sess->snac_nextid++); } /* * aim_bos_setprivacyflags() * * Sets privacy flags. Normally 0x03. * * Bit 1: Allows other AIM users to see how long you've been idle. * * */ u_long aim_bos_setprivacyflags(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn, u_long flags) { return aim_genericreq_l(sess, conn, 0x0001, 0x0014, &flags); } /* * aim_bos_reqpersonalinfo() * * Requests the current user's information. Can't go generic on this one * because aparently it uses SNAC flags. * */ u_long aim_bos_reqpersonalinfo(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn) { struct command_tx_struct newpacket; newpacket.lock = 1; if (conn) newpacket.conn = conn; else newpacket.conn = aim_getconn_type(sess, AIM_CONN_TYPE_BOS); newpacket.type = 0x02; newpacket.commandlen = 12; newpacket.data = (char *) malloc(newpacket.commandlen); aim_putsnac(newpacket.data, 0x000a, 0x0001, 0x000e /* huh? */, sess->snac_nextid); newpacket.data[10] = 0x0d; newpacket.data[11] = 0xda; aim_tx_enqueue(sess, &newpacket); return (sess->snac_nextid++); } /* * aim_bos_reqservice(serviceid) * * Service request. * */ u_long aim_bos_reqservice(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn, u_short serviceid) { return aim_genericreq_s(sess, conn, 0x0001, 0x0004, &serviceid); } /* * aim_bos_reqrights() * * Request BOS rights. * */ u_long aim_bos_reqrights(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn) { return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, 0x0009, 0x0002); } /* * aim_bos_reqbuddyrights() * * Request Buddy List rights. * */ u_long aim_bos_reqbuddyrights(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn) { return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, 0x0003, 0x0002); } /* * Generic routine for sending commands. * * * I know I can do this in a smarter way...but I'm not thinking straight * right now... * * I had one big function that handled all three cases, but then it broke * and I split it up into three. But then I fixed it. I just never went * back to the single. I don't see any advantage to doing it either way. * */ u_long aim_genericreq_n(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn, u_short family, u_short subtype) { struct command_tx_struct newpacket; newpacket.lock = 1; if (conn) newpacket.conn = conn; else newpacket.conn = aim_getconn_type(sess, AIM_CONN_TYPE_BOS); newpacket.type = 0x02; newpacket.commandlen = 10; newpacket.data = (char *) malloc(newpacket.commandlen); memset(newpacket.data, 0x00, newpacket.commandlen); aim_putsnac(newpacket.data, family, subtype, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid); aim_tx_enqueue(sess, &newpacket); return (sess->snac_nextid++); } /* * * */ u_long aim_genericreq_l(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn, u_short family, u_short subtype, u_long *longdata) { struct command_tx_struct newpacket; u_long newlong; /* If we don't have data, there's no reason to use this function */ if (!longdata) return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, family, subtype); newpacket.lock = 1; if (conn) newpacket.conn = conn; else newpacket.conn = aim_getconn_type(sess, AIM_CONN_TYPE_BOS); newpacket.type = 0x02; newpacket.commandlen = 10+sizeof(u_long); newpacket.data = (char *) malloc(newpacket.commandlen); memset(newpacket.data, 0x00, newpacket.commandlen); aim_putsnac(newpacket.data, family, subtype, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid); /* copy in data */ newlong = htonl(*longdata); memcpy(&(newpacket.data[10]), &newlong, sizeof(u_long)); aim_tx_enqueue(sess, &newpacket); return (sess->snac_nextid++); } u_long aim_genericreq_s(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn, u_short family, u_short subtype, u_short *shortdata) { struct command_tx_struct newpacket; u_short newshort; /* If we don't have data, there's no reason to use this function */ if (!shortdata) return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, family, subtype); newpacket.lock = 1; if (conn) newpacket.conn = conn; else newpacket.conn = aim_getconn_type(sess, AIM_CONN_TYPE_BOS); newpacket.type = 0x02; newpacket.commandlen = 10+sizeof(u_short); newpacket.data = (char *) malloc(newpacket.commandlen); memset(newpacket.data, 0x00, newpacket.commandlen); aim_putsnac(newpacket.data, family, subtype, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid); /* copy in data */ newshort = htons(*shortdata); memcpy(&(newpacket.data[10]), &newshort, sizeof(u_short)); aim_tx_enqueue(sess, &newpacket); return (sess->snac_nextid++); } /* * aim_bos_reqlocaterights() * * Request Location services rights. * */ u_long aim_bos_reqlocaterights(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn) { return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, 0x0002, 0x0002); } /* * aim_bos_reqicbmparaminfo() * * Request ICBM parameter information. * */ u_long aim_bos_reqicbmparaminfo(struct aim_session_t *sess, struct aim_conn_t *conn) { return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, 0x0004, 0x0004); }