#include struct aim_tlvlist_t *aim_readtlvchain(u_char *buf, int maxlen) { int pos; struct aim_tlvlist_t *list; struct aim_tlvlist_t *cur; u_short type; u_short length; if (!buf) return NULL; list = NULL; pos = 0; while (pos < maxlen) { type = aimutil_get16(buf+pos); pos += 2; if (pos < maxlen) { length = aimutil_get16(buf+pos); pos += 2; if ((pos+length) <= maxlen) { cur = (struct aim_tlvlist_t *)malloc(sizeof(struct aim_tlvlist_t)); memset(cur, 0x00, sizeof(struct aim_tlvlist_t)); cur->tlv = aim_createtlv(); cur->tlv->type = type; cur->tlv->length = length; cur->tlv->value = (u_char *)malloc(length*sizeof(u_char)); memcpy(cur->tlv->value, buf+pos, length); cur->next = list; list = cur; pos += length; } } } return list; } void aim_freetlvchain(struct aim_tlvlist_t **list) { struct aim_tlvlist_t *cur, *cur2; if (!list || !(*list)) return; cur = *list; while (cur) { aim_freetlv(&cur->tlv); cur2 = cur->next; free(cur); cur = cur2; } list = NULL; return; } /* * Grab the Nth TLV of type type in the TLV list list. */ struct aim_tlv_t *aim_gettlv(struct aim_tlvlist_t *list, u_short type, int nth) { int i; struct aim_tlvlist_t *cur; i = 0; for (cur = list; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { if (cur && cur->tlv) { if (cur->tlv->type == type) i++; if (i >= nth) return cur->tlv; } } return NULL; } char *aim_gettlv_str(struct aim_tlvlist_t *list, u_short type, int nth) { struct aim_tlv_t *tlv; char *newstr; if (!(tlv = aim_gettlv(list, type, nth))) return NULL; newstr = (char *) malloc(tlv->length + 1); memcpy(newstr, tlv->value, tlv->length); *(newstr + tlv->length) = '\0'; return newstr; } struct aim_tlv_t *aim_grabtlv(u_char *src) { struct aim_tlv_t *dest = NULL; dest = aim_createtlv(); dest->type = src[0] << 8; dest->type += src[1]; dest->length = src[2] << 8; dest->length += src[3]; dest->value = (u_char *) malloc(dest->length*sizeof(u_char)); memset(dest->value, 0, dest->length*sizeof(u_char)); memcpy(dest->value, &(src[4]), dest->length*sizeof(u_char)); return dest; } struct aim_tlv_t *aim_grabtlvstr(u_char *src) { struct aim_tlv_t *dest = NULL; dest = aim_createtlv(); dest->type = src[0] << 8; dest->type += src[1]; dest->length = src[2] << 8; dest->length += src[3]; dest->value = (u_char *) malloc((dest->length+1)*sizeof(u_char)); memset(dest->value, 0, (dest->length+1)*sizeof(u_char)); memcpy(dest->value, &(src[4]), dest->length*sizeof(u_char)); dest->value[dest->length] = '\0'; return dest; } int aim_puttlv (u_char *dest, struct aim_tlv_t *newtlv) { int i=0; dest[i++] = newtlv->type >> 8; dest[i++] = newtlv->type & 0x00FF; dest[i++] = newtlv->length >> 8; dest[i++] = newtlv->length & 0x00FF; memcpy(&(dest[i]), newtlv->value, newtlv->length); i+=newtlv->length; return i; } struct aim_tlv_t *aim_createtlv(void) { struct aim_tlv_t *newtlv = NULL; newtlv = (struct aim_tlv_t *)malloc(sizeof(struct aim_tlv_t)); memset(newtlv, 0, sizeof(struct aim_tlv_t)); return newtlv; } int aim_freetlv(struct aim_tlv_t **oldtlv) { if (!oldtlv) return -1; if (!*oldtlv) return -1; if ((*oldtlv)->value) free((*oldtlv)->value); free(*(oldtlv)); (*oldtlv) = NULL; return 0; } int aim_puttlv_16(u_char *buf, u_short t, u_short v) { int curbyte=0; curbyte += aimutil_put16(buf+curbyte, (u_short)(t&0xffff)); curbyte += aimutil_put16(buf+curbyte, (u_short)0x0002); curbyte += aimutil_put16(buf+curbyte, (u_short)(v&0xffff)); return curbyte; } int aim_puttlv_32(u_char *buf, u_short t, u_long v) { int curbyte=0; curbyte += aimutil_put16(buf+curbyte, (u_short)(t&0xffff)); curbyte += aimutil_put16(buf+curbyte, (u_short)0x0004); curbyte += aimutil_put32(buf+curbyte, (u_long)(v&0xffffffff)); return curbyte; } int aim_puttlv_str(u_char *buf, u_short t, u_short l, u_char *v) { int curbyte; if (!v || !buf) return 0; curbyte = 0; curbyte += aimutil_put16(buf+curbyte, (u_short)(t&0xffff)); curbyte += aimutil_put16(buf+curbyte, (u_short)(l&0xffff)); memcpy(buf+curbyte, v, l); curbyte += l; return curbyte; }